Thursday, June 20, 2013

Normally I blur out license plates, but screw this guy. This was in front of Snookers, about an hour before league started.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A two-fer!

The rare double! And yes, that is a dealer tag on the car on the left.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Massive update!

Ten images, since it's been a while since I found any Assholes.

I'm not sure which is worse, the diagonal parking job or the pipes hanging off the back with no red flag.

Why is it that the people who like to back into parking spaces are the worst at reversing?

Even the office isn't safe.

Students area, student parkers.

At the NC Welcome Center. Welcome to NC, we park like assholes.

Another from the NC Welcome Center.

Parking garage, downtown Raleigh

The rare double asshole. One pickup truck, one box truck.

Durham NC

At the ATM. Just out of frame on the left is the guy parked in the actual space in the background giving a WTF look.

Oh, and this bank has a drive-up ATM if you don't want to walk.